How to Jailbreak Ios 12.3.1 Ipad
iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak
Now there are many iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak & alternative solutions are available.
We have listed all information related to iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak according to the popularity. Find one of the Jailbreak tools or solutions according to the iOS version.
01. Hexxa
Hexxa is another Jailbreak solution for iOS 12.3. It was initially released for iOS 12.2 and now the Hexxa team has upgraded the compatibility for all iOS 12 & higher versions.
Features of Hexxa
- Hexxa was released for the 1st time for iOS 12.2 as a Jailbreak repo extractor. Hexxa developers confirm its compatibility has been upgraded to all iOS 12 & higher versions. Upgraded version of Hexxa has been released as Hexxa plus for iOS 13 & higher Jailbreak.
- It was the 1st successful Jailbreak repo extractor which was released 1st time for all latest iOS device models. It is not an Untethered or Semi-untethered Jailbreak method.
- Hexxa is 100% safe – It doesn't access or install any file to your iOS 12 + system root. Hexxa extracts Jailbreak repos on a web platform and allows you to install apps / themes / tweaks directly to your device.
- It's the 1st solution for A12 devices. Hexxa iOS 12 Jailbreak repo extractor is the 1st Jailbreak solution for Apple's A12 Bionic chip. (iPhone XS, XS Max, XR, and 2019 iPad models)
- Cydia or Sileo – We could consider Hexxa as an alternative to Cydia / Sileo app managers. You can add repos to Cydia / Sileo to access Jailbreak apps of those repos anytime.
- No computer method – Hexxa is the 100% iOS 12 online jailbreak method. You can install Jailbreak apps for iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 directly from Hexxa without using iOS Windows or Mac computers.
Hexxa is also compatible with iOS 12.4 & higher versions. If you are using any other latest iOS versions please refer to the following pages.
iOS 12.4 – iOS 12.5.5 Jailbreak
iOS 13 – iOS 13.6.1 Jailbreak
iOS 13.7 Jailbreak
iOS 14 – iOS 14.1 jailbreak
iOS 14.2 Jailbreak
iOS 14.3 – iOS 14.4.2 Jailbreak
iOS 14.5 / iOS 14.5.1 Jailbreak
iOS 14.6 Jailbreak
iOS 14.7 / iOS 14.7.1 Jailbreak
iOS 14.8 / iOS 14.8.1 Jailbreak
iOS 15 – iOS 15.0.2 Jailbreak
iOS 15.1 Jailbreak
iOS 15.2 Jailbreak (beta)
02. Checkra1n jailbreak
Checkra1n released for iOS 12.3 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak on iPhone 5S to iPhone X devices. However this time the Checkra1n team released a dmg file only for Mac users.
Features of Checkra1n
- Any of other Jailbreak such as Unc0ver, Chimera does not work with iOS 12.3 – iOS 12.3.2 hence vulnerabilities are patched on these versions. So this is the one and only full jailbreak for iOS 12.3 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak.
- Checkra1n is a semi-tethered Jailbreak.
- This is a permanent unpatchable jailbreak based on Checkm8 exploit. That's why Checkra1n is more special than other jailbreaks. So, it is compatible with all the latest iOS versions.
- After the Checkra1n jailbreak process, it will install Cydia automatically.
- Checkrain is not compatible with A12 & A13 devices. Only available for A5-A11 devics.
- Only available for Mac & Linux versions. Online jailbreak method not available.
03. Unc0ver Jailbreak
Uncover Jailbreak is available for all iOS versions now. You can install Cydia on iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2. Also, it is available for all iOS 11 – iOS 14.3 Jailbreak too.
Features of Uncover
- Unc0ver is a semi-untethered Jailbreak.
- Compatible with all devices models including A12/A13 devices.
- Supported with all Mac /Linux / Windows computers. Online Jailbreak method is available.
- v5.3.0 Unc0ver update includes all versions earlier missed such as iOS 12.3, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3.2.
04. Bregxi
Bregxi was the 1st iOS 12.3 Jailbreak solution. Now it is compatible with all iOS 12 & higher Jailbreak solutions. You can install Jailbreak apps, themes and tweaks extracting repos with Bregxi.
Features of Bregxi
- Bregxi is an online Jailbreak solution for all iOS 12 & higher versions running devices. You don't need to use Cydia Impactor or Windows / Mac computer to use these repo extractors.
- Bregxi is not an untethered or semi-untethered iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak solution. It means these methods do not break your iOS system root access. Your device will not slow, or your Apple warranty won't cancel with Bregxi installation. You don't want to install Bregxi again after you reboot your device.
- There is no Jailbreak process with it. Therefore you can start to install apps just after the Bregxi Installation.
- 100% Safe and jailbreak risk free, No safe mode, No brick your device etc.
- Works with all iPhone and iPad device models even iPhone XS, XS Max, XR.
- You cannot install the system apps / tweaks with Bregxi.
- Cydia or Sileo is not installed automatically.
- Old Jailbreak tweaks and apps may not be compatible with Bregxi.
05. Chimera Jailbreak
Electra team released a new Chimera Jailbreak for iOS 12 & higher versions. Chimera comes with the Sileo package manager.
Features of Chimera
- Chimera installs Sileo automatically once finished the Chimera Jailbreak process instead of Cydia.
- Also, you can install Cydia by adding the "" repo to the Sileo. This repo was done by Diatrus.
- You can run Chimera Jailbreak on your latest iPhone Xs, iPhone Xr & iPhone XS max without any issue up to iOS 12.1.2 only. This is the first ever jailbreak which is run on A12 devices with their very first release.
06. Ziyu
Ziyu repo extractor is a Jailbreak solution for iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 all newest iPhone and iPad models.
You can extract special Jailbreak repos and install Cydia and popular Jailbreak apps using Ziyu.
Features of Ziyu
- Ziyu is not available on the default Apple store. You must have installed one of the following 3rd party app stores before installing the Ziyu.
- Ziyu does not access your system root. So it is the safest risk-free method.
- Ziyu compatible with all iOS 12 versions as well as all device models including A12 & A13 devices.
- Ziyu installs Jailbreak apps using the repo extraction method.
07. Jailbreak iOS 12.3 ++
The very 1st-time iOS 12.3 ++ web-based iOS version has been released. Watch the following video to get an idea about iOS 12.3++.
Features of iOS 12.3 ++
- You can virtually Jailbreak iOS 12.3 ++ and install Cydia to it.
08. Vistian (Jailbreak tweak installation)
Vistian is the best non Jailbreak tweak installation method for iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 running iPhones, iPads.
It is a newly released method. Apple has released the latest feature to run 3rd party scripts on iOS 12 + running iPhones / iPads. 3rd party developers have developed tweaks using these scripts.
Vistian tweak store is a collection of these non Jailbreak iOS 12 tweaks.
Popular Vistian Tweaks
We have listed popular Vistian tweaks which can install without jailbreak iOS 12 – iOS 12.4.8 devices.
Super low power mode – It magically saves your iPhone / iPad battery.
Tilt scroll – It's an awesome tweak for iBooks or web readers, No need to use your fingers to scroll the pages. even no Jailbreak tweak better than this.
Speed Respring – Respring your iPhone instantly, It increases the speed of your iPhone / iPad.
Download Youtube – Download any youtube videos even Youtube doesn't allow to download. It saves videos directly to the camera roll.
Convert video to gif – Just select a video to convert it as a gif.
Quick Controls – Control your non jailbroken iPhone smart way.
09. Rootless Jailbreak
Rootless is the 1st iOS 12 Jailbreak [full]. However, it doesn't come with Jailbreak app managers such as Cydia or Sileo.
Features of Rootless
- You need a "Rootless Installer" to install iOS 12 Jailbreak app / themes / tweaks.
- RootlessJB is an open source project. First time Rootless Jailbreak for iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 developed by Jake James and iOS 12.2 – iOS 12.4 Rootless JB was released by Brandon Plank. Also, he has upgraded RootlessJB up to iOS 12.4.8 jailbreak now.
- Rootless Online method available with zRootless.
- You can easily install Rootless IPA and Rootless Installer [Online – No need a computer]
- Rootless does not compatible with A12 devices such as iPhone XS, XR & XS max
10. Houdini Semi Jailbreak
Houdini Jailbreak is iOS 12 Jailbreak compatible IPA based semi Jailbreak tool. Original Houdini developed by software developer/researcher Abraham Masri @cheesecakeufo. It was initially released for iOS 10. X (except 10.3.3), and upgraded the compatibility of Houdini up to iOS 12.1.2.
Features of Houdini
These are the most popular iOS 12 Jailbreak features of Houdini.
- Disable system updates.
- Hide app icon labels and respring the device.
- Theme for the keys on the passcode screen.
- Changing the badge count colour.
- Blocking System-wide ads.
- Change device display resolution.
- Changing the Emoji fonts.
- Themes for Sliders and Control center icons.
11. Apricot iOS
Apricot iOS works with the iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak. Apricot iOS is a Web-Based OS which you can Jailbreak virtually to install Cydia.
Features of Apricot iOS
- You can download Apricot from Hexxa or 3rd party app stores such as zJailbreak or Xabsi.
- You can Install Apricot from the downloaded app store. It has an easy installation process.
12. Anzhuang
Currently, Anzhuang is the only iOS 12 Jailbreak app installer based on the Dev code extraction method. Now Anzhuang is compatible up to iOS 12.1.4.
More Facts of Anzhuang
- Anzhaung is an online jailbreak app installer which is used dev code extraction method.
- Russian hacker ru$za found this method for the very first time and Chinese hacking team upgraded the method to the Anzhuang app. It is based on the developer code extraction method. This Chinese team continuously updates the Anzhuang app against every latest iOS release.
- Anzhuang was initially released for iOS 10.2. Since then it is the best jailbreak app installer for latest iOS versions up to iOS 12.1.4.
13. Sayonir Hardware Jailbreaking
Hardware jailbreak is a process of getting impressive hardware functions to your iPhone through hardware programming gadgets.
Hardware jailbreak will never let your iPhone brick because hardware jailbreak mostly enhances the features using adopted gadgets.
You can add some 3rd party hardware accessories & programming for iOS 12 & iOS 12.0.1 running iPhone 8 & iPhone 8 plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 plus & etc.
Sayonir team is always ready to help you to do hardware programming for iPhone. They will provide all the tool kits to spare and fix your iPhone.
- Sayonir Speaker light
Speaker light setup glowing speakers to your iPhone to enhance your iPhone look. It will flash the light when you call or speak with the music rhythm.

- Sayonir logo lights
Logo backlights will randomly change the color each second automatically, brighter the screen, the shinier the Logo. It will give a dashing look for the iPhone.

More iOS 12 – iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak related information
Ritz Jailbreak (Semi Jailbreak)
This is the latest IPA based semi Jailbreak specially designed for iOS 12. (May not work with iOS 12.0.1)
Ritz Jailbreak Features
Ritz Jailbreak brings impressive iOS 12 device customization features as follows.
- Add Theme for the passcode screen /Sliders/Control centre icons
- Users can Change device display resolution
- Allows to Change the badge count colour
- Can be rename/change Icons labels & 3D touch
- Bounce Notification
- Badge count colour change
- Respring/Clean system/reboot option
- Add repositories
Pandora Jailbreak
iOS 12 untethered jailbreak has been achieved on an iPhone X by Pandora Lab.There is no any information related to iOS 12.0.1 Pandora Jailbreak yet. According to them, this jailbreak has been introduced as a fully untethered Jailbreak.
Min (Spark) Zheng & Xiaolong Bai iOS Senior Security engineers at Alibaba released a video on Weibo Chinese site.
According to the video, it clearly shows the iOS versions going through the Settings. Then opens the jailbreak app called "Pandora " from the device homescreen and follow up the few steps to complete the Jailbreak.
According to Pandora lab, Apple has patched following vulnerabilities by releasing iOS 12 final versions.
- AMFID signature hijacking" and "Fake trust cache" techniques for defeating code signing.
- forged valid mnt_data" and "delete /disk0s1s1 snapshot" techniques for accessing the root directory as read/write
It is further stated, if Apple patched a lot of bugs every time and their mobile operating system is not fully protected yet.
However they have not published the IPA yet. We will update the download link as soon as they release the IPA.
Tw3lve iOS 12 jailbreak
A new Jailbreak called as Tw3lve jailbreak for iOS 12 to iOS 12.1.2 has released by developer by Conor / @ConorTheDev. Both Cydia and Sileo included this Tw3lve jailbreak.
But, don't get excited with the new Tw3lve iOS 12 jailbreak. This whole project is a copy of the unc0ver project.
Pwn20wnd & other reputable developers have advised us to stay away from this jailbreak.
Here are the screenshot of tweets.

Flux iOS 12 jailbreak
Flux Jailbreak has been released for iOS 12- iOS 12.1.2 by Justin Proulx /@JustinAlexP, @AppleBetasDev, @nullriver. Click here for more details.

Justin Proulx /@JustinAlexP announced that they have released iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak by @AppleBetasDev, @nullriver and himself before the new year and it'll be updated with Sileo in the next couple weeks.

Don't get excited about this iOS 12 jailbreak with Flux since it is fake. It has been confirmed by themselves on the first day of the new year. It was a prank jailbreak which was created just for fun.

Unc0ver Jailbreak developer also tweeted as to stay away from fake iOS 12 Jailbreak related news.

However, finally, they have open-sourced it and released it to Github, because if someone wants to make real jailbreak out of that, it will be useful. Skillful Jailbreak developers can be converted to real Flux jailbreak for iOS 12 Jailbreak.

How to Jailbreak Ios 12.3.1 Ipad
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